Resources to live well with SMA

Neuromuscular clinics provide specialised care for neuromuscular
conditions, including SMA. Coordinated care through a
neurologist is recommended, and SMA clinics offer proactive care.

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Get involved in the community
Get involved in the community

Posted by: Ellie

“I would advise to build a support network of people with like-minded ideas. If you love singing, get into a singing group. Get into groups, get into the community.

“I’d especially encourage people with SMA to become involved in SMA groups, because SMA is a very unique disability and only other people with SMA can really understand it and appreciate it. There have been suggestions by some clinicians that people living with SMA have an extremely bright and high IQ, as well as determination. So, really, there shouldn’t be anything that should stop us from pursuing our passions.”

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